
Climate Change and Public Health

See this article from Rochester’s City News for an interview with Rochester physician Colleen Fogarty about the public health consequences of climate change, highlighting a recent screening and panel discussion.

CZ in the Classroom

Personal choices. Agricultural impacts. Infrastructure. Technology. Climate change has many dimensions, and should be part of the curriculum at multiple ages and from multiple perspectives. With its personal perspective, light touch, and grounding in the details of everyday life, the film is a great way to open the discussions. Contact us if you would like to brainstorm about COMFORT ZONE could be used in your class, or if you would like to have a filmmaker attend a screening.

CZ: The Story of the Story

“People from the beginning tried to dissuade us from being co-directors,” Donnelly says. “Most films have one vision, but this is three visions woven together. Now that it’s done I think those different viewpoints will help more people connect to what we’re saying, but it did make it more difficult to complete the process.” A movie reviewer  interviews the filmmakers and explores the story of how the film came to be made.

Batavia Daily News Story

Here is a story about Dave’s ties to Batavia in advance of our premier screening at Greentopia!

Article and interview in The Daily Messenger

Here is a great story that ran in advance of our premier screening by Eric Van Dussen in the Daily Messenger!


Canandaigua – June 24

June 24 2014, 6:30 pm Wood Library, 134 North Main Street, Canandaigua, NY. Free and open to the public. After the film, the filmmakers will be available to answer questions via Skype.

RIT Screening April 30

COMFORT ZONE will screen on Wednesday, April 30, 2014 at 7:00 PM in the Xerox Auditorium in James E. Gleason Hall (Bldg. 9) at the Rochester Institute of Technology, One Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623.

Syracuse Screening April 26, 2014

COMFORT ZONE will screen as part of a Sustainability Academy Green Neighborhood Tour event on Saturday, April 26. The film will start at 11:30 AM at the Westcott Community Center, 826 Euclid Avenue, Syracuse, NY. A Q & A session is planned after the film with filmmakers Kate Kressmann-Kehoe and Sean Donnelly.

GCC Screening April 12

COMFORT ZONE will screen at Genesee Community College as part of Eco-Fest on Saturday, April 12th at 3:00pm in the Conable Technology Building (Room T102), Batavia, NY. Q&A with filmmakers Dave Danesh and Sean Donnelly to follow. Click here for more information. ADMISSION IS FREE!

Screening May 14, 2014

May 14 2014, 6:30 pm Brighton Memorial Library 2300 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester NY 14618. Free and open to the public. Q&A with filmmakers to follow. Sponsored by

Screening Mar. 25, 2014

Bristol Library 6750 County Rd 32 Canandaigua NY 14424 Info: 585-229-5862 March 25th 6PM – 8PM A free screening of COMFORT ZONE followed by a presentation of a local family’s efforts to change. Mark and Diana Thorn (who are featured in the film) will go into more detail, update you on their latest carbon-cutting efforts, and answer questions.

Past Screenings

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